While working for Craftworks Holdings, I was given the opportunity to create branding for a number of classic staple beers within the Gordon Biersch brewing stable. These would first be implemented as posters to be hung at locations, followed by being used as the artwork on tap handles in locations and perhaps branching farther from there. I approached this project from the angle of highlighting specific ingredients or flavor characteristics that made each beer distinctive. Each design includes brewer recipe notes written out by hand, to give things a handmade, humanist element. Each poster displayed was also created in a modular fashion in order to allow for them to be edited to better fit each location that they would be used in.
FIG. 001
End design and poster for Gordon Biersch Golden Export Lager
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FIG. 002
End design and poster for Gordon Biersch Märzen Lager
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FIG. 003
End design and poster for Gordon Biersch Hefeweizen wheat beer
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FIG. 004
End design and poster for Gordon Biersch Czech-style Pilsner
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Creative Direction
Photography by Lauren Rainwater